
这并不是说Typecho不好,Typecho有我喜欢的——快、有Ajax Comment、有类似WordPress的架构、有代码高亮、不需要万恶的缓存插件,但是,Typecho也有我不满意的——功能有些少,相对于WordPress来说。
不过实话说,去也不知道去哪,有点想去EmLOG,因为看上了它类似微博的功能——碎语,当然也有没尝试过和追随WillinKan大师脚步(他的博客已换成EmLog)的原因(搞错了),但是听别人说,EmLOG插件少,风格(主题)也少,这点我不喜欢,而且也不知道有没有Ajax Comment、代码高亮这些东西。







关于 nikbobo

Nikbobo,本名刘永强,记忆空间站长,男,1998 年出生于广东茂名,至今(2022 年)23 岁,目前(2022 年)就读于广州大学华软软件学院,常以“nikbobo”这个网名混迹互联网。如无特殊注明,Nikbobo 在本站发表的文章,遵循 知识共享 署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际 许可协议。详情请参阅关于页面的作者介绍。


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  4. The EtherCode Innovation development team presents
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
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  5. The EtherCode Innovation development team presents
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
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  6. The EtherCode Innovation development team presents
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
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  7. The EtherCode Innovation development team presents
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
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    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
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  8. The EtherCode Innovation development team presents
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
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    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
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  9. The EtherCode Innovation development team presents
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
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    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    ethercodeinnovation.com ethercodeinnovation.com ethercodeinnovation.com

  10. The EtherCode Innovation development team presents
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
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    [url=https://ethercodeinnovation.com/]Learn to create your own honeypot token and just a token. We recommend using materials from our website for educational and informational purposes only. Creating a token is simple.[/url]
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